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Driving Change: in dicussion with Macmillan Cancer Support's Helen Tunnicliff

This past November, we had the pleasure of hosting Macmillan Cancer Support’s Helen Tunnicliff for a webinar discussing change within the learning and development industry and utilizing the power of effective learning.


Helen Tunnicliff is Macmillan Cancer Support’s Corporate Partnerships Development Lead and works with external clients to partner and provide training on how to support vulnerable employees. She works very closely with the non-profits partnership team to find external clients needing support on how to discuss cancer diagnoses within their organisation. Over the last year, we have been working with Helen and Macmillan Cancer Support across multiple projects. After being introduced to PageTiger at the start of her tenure, she identified the software as a key tool for progressing the non-profits digital document strategy moving forward.


One of the main pain points Helen quickly identified was the company’s inability to control and protect intellectual property once sent externally—as with simple PDF’s, there is no way to control how documents are stored and shared after being sent electronically. PageTiger was an obvious solution, with documents having the ability to be easily shared with clients via an external link and then—once a training period ends—requiring only a simple click to unpublish the link and protect information from being shared or misused in the future. Additionally, the software’s Security Rules feature restricts exactly who can and cannot access a document.

As well as identifying PageTiger as the means to take back control of their digital document security, they found a solution to retrieving data through our software’s fully equipped and real time Analytics Suite. In addition to leaving a permanent digital footprint, there is little to no data to come from using PDF’s and traditional e-learning platforms. By creating their training documents in PageTiger and utilizing the Analytics Suite, Macmillan Cancer Support can now view each candidate’s progress, responses, and compare how individuals are using documents while identifying trends with responses—such as what concepts and themes are being adopted or abandoned—all in one simple backend suite.

On top of the Analytics Suite, Macmillan leveraged PageTiger’s unique interactive interface to enhance their documents learning and development capabilities. Alongside the data Analytics Suite, they were able to create polls, assessments, and other forms of testing to monitor users’ progress throughout their training and identify where individuals are struggling to grasp concepts or stall in their progression. With PageTiger’s range of interactivity—including information boxes, forms, video and assessments—users are able to create checkpoints for each candidate’s progress and determine that topics are being correctly understood.

The newest addition to PageTiger’s interactivity is AI Video Generation, which Helen has found especially useful in her more recent projects. Before Covid, training was all done in person—and the personal approach is something she wanted to reincorporate into the training experience. She found AI Video to be the perfect solution of adding individualised human contact and audio into her documents—and loved how easy it is to set up a script instead of arranging hours of time with an expensive videographer. Scripts can be generated with the AI Text Content Generator and easily changed to cater towards each client, meaning you can customize videos with company names and other details that would be relevant to their learning experience. As an example, AI video can be utilized to automatically pop up and explain why or why not an answer is correct.

The final feature Macmillan Cancer Support identified is PageTiger’s design suite’s ease of use—meaning anyone can create beautiful documents that will impress clients and candidates. Whether using templates or custom page libraries, the options for design are endless regardless of skill level – while also consistently maintaining brand colours, logos and guidelines. Additionally, our creative services and customer success team are available as a constant support to update guidelines and design templates that can be used for years to come. There is no limit to the questions you can ask, and our team is always available. Additionally, should your company have any pre-designed PDF’s you would like to maintain moving forward, you can simply upload the document and add our software’s interactivity over the top.

Towards the end of our discussion, Helen noted that PageTiger is one of the few software’s she has interacted with that also take accessibility into account. She works closely with our customer success and support teams to ensure that all of Macmillan Cancer Support’s training documents are as accessible as possible—and our team are constantly improving and updating the features we have available.


Considering the above, how do Helen and Macmillan Cancer Support see themselves using the platform using forward? Luckily, the opportunities appear to be endless. First, Helen is looking to further explore our interactive assessments feature using custom badges. If you are unfamiliar, users can upload badges to showcase a section of learning has been completed upon assessment. Helen hopes to grow this feature in the future, creating more custom branded badges for clients to earn at checkpoints throughout their development experience. Consequently, she hopes to create branching journeys that are dependent on each individuals’ responses to their previous learning assessments.

Helen also identified PageTiger as an opportunity for Macmillan Cancer Support to extend their training to individuals with all kinds of vulnerabilities, with the platform enabling external sharing while maintaining control of the company’s intellectual property.

We ourselves are excited to announce new features and analytics coming to our platform in the near future. We are introducing new ways of assessing learning, such as true or false and image questions, and auto-captioning for our AI Video Generator. Be sure to watch this space to see all the updates we have moving forward!

Finally, a huge thank you to Helen and Macmillan Cancer Support for being a part of this webinar. Learn more about their services here.