Service Levels

Last updated 1st June 2023

Schedule 1 : Service Level Agreement

1. Introduction

1.1. In this Schedule: “New Functionality” means new functionality that is introduced to the Platform by an Upgrade;
1.2. References in this Schedule to Paragraphs are to the paragraphs of this Schedule, unless otherwise stated.

2. Helpdesk Support

2.1. PageTiger will make available, during Business Hours (GMT & BST only), via web chat and email helpdesk facility for the purposes of: (a) assisting You with the configuration of the Platform; and/or (b) assisting You with the proper use of the Platform; and/or (c) determining the causes of errors and fixing errors in the Platform.

2.2. Subject to Paragraph 3.3, You must make all requests for Support Services through the helpdesk, and all such requests must include sufficient information to allow PageTiger to give You a satisfactory resolution to Your request.

3. Response and resolution times

3.1. PageTiger will: (a) use all reasonable endeavours to respond to requests for Support Services made through the helpdesk; and (b) use all reasonable endeavours to resolve issues raised by You,

3.2. PageTiger will determine, acting reasonably, into which severity category, set out below, an issue raised through the Support Services falls.

Severity Severity Response Time
  • A complete failure of all PageTiger services.
  • Notification of a Data Breach.
  • Data Loss caused by a PageTiger system failure.
1 hour
  • Failure of a single PageTiger service.
1 hour
  • Critical performance degradation of a PageTiger Service.
  • Critical performance degradation of a 3rd Party Service.
4 hours
  • Performance degradation or failure of a single feature within a PageTiger Service. e.g. View or Designer are down and not usable.
8 hours
  • An issue not affecting global performance or delivery of any PageTiger service, may be scoped to an individual user.
8 hours

3.3 All Support Services will be provided remotely unless expressly agreed otherwise by PageTiger.

4. Limits on Support Services

4.1. Where the total person-hours spent by PageTiger performing the Helpdesk Support under Paragraphs 2 and 3 during any calendar week exceed 2 hours for a specific User, then: (a) PageTiger will cease to have an obligation to provide those Support Services to that User.

4.2. PageTiger shall have no obligation under the Agreement to provide Support Services in respect of any fault or error caused by: (a) the improper use of the Platform; or (b) the use of the Platform otherwise than in accordance with the Documentation.

5. Upgrades

5.1. You acknowledge that from time to time during the Term PageTiger may apply Upgrades to the Platform, and that such Upgrades may result in changes the appearance and/or functionality of the Platform.

5.2. PageTiger will give to You reasonable prior written notice of the application of any significant Upgrade to the Platform. Such notice shall include details of the specific changes to the functionality of the Platform resulting
from the application of the Upgrade.

5.3. You shall not be subject to any additional Charges arising out of the application of the Upgrade, save where: (a) the Upgrade introduces New Functionality to the Platform; (b) that New Functionality does not serve the same purpose as legacy functionality that ceases or has ceased to be available as a result of any Upgrade; (c) access to or use of the New Functionality is chargeable to customers of PageTiger using the Platform generally; and (d) any
decision by You not to pay the Charges for the New Functionality will not prejudice Your access to and use of the rest of the Platform.

6. Uptime commitment

6.1. PageTiger shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Platform is available 99.0% of the time on average over each 12-month period, subject to Paragraph 8.

7. Back-up and restoration

7.1. Subject to Paragraph 7.2, PageTiger will: (a) make back-ups of Your Materials stored on the Platform on a daily basis, to be held by our hosting platform within the UK or European Union

7.2. In the event of the loss, or corruption of, Your Materials, held within our hosting platform located within the UK or European Union, being notified by You to PageTiger under Paragraph 2, PageTiger shall if so directed by You use all reasonable endeavours promptly to restore Your Materials from the most recent available backup copy.

8. Scheduled maintenance

8.1. PageTiger may suspend access to the Platform in order to carry out scheduled maintenance, such maintenance to be carried out and such suspension to be for not more than 4 hours in each calendar month. Any suspension of service shall be at a time designed to minimise any disruption to Users.

8.2. PageTiger must give to You at least 1days’ written notice of scheduled maintenance where the expected downtime will be greater than 10 mins, including full details of the expected Platform downtime.

8.3. Platform downtime during scheduled maintenance carried out by PageTiger in accordance with this Paragraph 8 shall not be counted as downtime for the purposes of Paragraph 6.

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